Vision & Identity

Perception of people

From an early age I was curious about the reasoning of people’s behavior and how they perceive the world. Soon enough I discovered that what is considered ‘normal’ for one, can be something entirely different for someone else. Thus there is not one right perception and not an absolute truth of things.

I believe that great transformative concepts have a significant effect and sustainable result on society.

What always interested me in design is that there is the possibility to change someone’s perception and behavior on things. A phenomenal movie or a well-designed product can already cause such a ‘transformation’. Within Industrial Design I learned how to create transformative concepts.

My Final master project (Milestone 6)

Design for transformation needs to be balanced between the connection with society and a new envisioned reality.


I want to empower people to make the most of their opportunities

Transform toward…

I believe in a world where everyone has a contribution with his or her personal qualities and the things he or she likes to do. If everyone is able to find this fulfillment in life, we can live a happy life while creating a sustainable societal environment.


There are two elements that are important for me to

Design for transformation

Participatory Design

I achieve this connection with society by inviting my stakeholder to participate in my design process. (Milestones 3, 5 and 6)


These events have a significant role in my development as a designer

Learning about perception and cultures

studie trip to china

Imagineering elements

The process of creating experiential concepts is called imagineering. During the development of a design I take into account how users can experience my designs. During my study Industrial Design I learned to take care of these 6 elements that have an influence on how people experience my design. (Milestones 1, 2 and 6)







Inspiring people

During my master I was inspired by interviews with Ricardo Semler. he speaks about how he empowers his employers of all the projects he started and how they become involved in the goal of the project by personal motivation and satisfaction. His idea of giving the control to the actual workers, employees or even children in case of his school project is something I want establish in my design projects as well.


Jan Rotmans tells about how society is ready to transform the societal structures of today, because the current institutions that are in control cannot maintain there purpose anymore. This inspired me to think about how I as a designer can contribute my skills in relation to the changing societal structures, such as education. For the full episode (dutch) watch: